Thursday, May 10, 2012

Current hashtags for twitter

This is not anything profound, just a list of hashtags I've been using lately in promoting some of our extension programming along with some of the rationale for their selection.

#CoopExt - Seems to be best tag to use for Cooperative Extension activities and events.  Appears to be used universally - good way to follow what is happening in other states.  Some people have used #Extension which I understand, but when I search on it I see a variety of topics covered from domain names, hair design, and phone installation.

#MilKids - information about programming and resources for children of parents involved in the US military

#AgEntre - this evolved from conversation with Sarah Cornelisse, Jeff Hyde and Keith Dickinson regarding topics related to new product or business development by agricultural producers.  We discussed #EntreFarming, but the suggestion was the #AgEntre is more inclusive.

#NGV - Natural Gas Vehicle

Some that don't appear to need much explanation:  #PennState, #FoodSafety, #HACCP, #ServSafe, #stormwater, #water, #renewable #energy, #invasive species, #DayCare, #marcellus #dairy.

Added to the list on 5/16/12 -

New additions as of 6/7/12 -
Be sure to follow me on twitter @kavines.

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